Our Alma Mater in the 1950's

Our Alma Mater in the 1950's
Reared against the sky

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Old Leader photo

Ever since I found out the Port Angeles Library had microfilm of old Port Townsend Leaders, I've been spending a lot of time browsing through old issues.  The pictures on the microfilm don't print up very good at all, which is a huge disappointment to me, but I did try to get Cusack's drive-in photo printed never the less.

This is from August 1948 and I would have been about five.  I remember going there for milk shakes with my folks (I always remember milk shakes) but for some reason, I can't recall it looking like this. Perhaps because the building (up on Hancock and Sims Way) is much larger now.  I think it houses waste not, want not these days. George Gunn had his "second" store in the back for a time too but that was many years ago.  Perhaps when it was Cusacks drive-in, it was always just one floor.  Wish I could see some clearer photos.

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