Our Alma Mater in the 1950's

Our Alma Mater in the 1950's
Reared against the sky

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Class of '62: 1st Gr: Jarvis & Dewar

I recently gave a lady from the class of '62 some extra photos I had of her class. Now we're trying to put names to faces.  If you see any people you know, drop me a line. I'm sure I'm gonna have some innocent errors as well. Here's the first two of 19 which I'll post during the next week. (click on photo to enlarge and use back arrow at top left of screen to get back to the blog)  After left clicking on the picture to enlarge, you can also RIGHT click the photo to send it to "your photos" on your hard drive.

                                                               1st grade, Miss Jarvis

row 1: Peggy Homestead, Delores Austin,Arletta Johnson, Elsie Porter
row 2: (?),Stan Bircher, unknown, (?), Mike Mosley, Betty Smith, (?)
row 3: (?), Carol Anderson, Ken Stroud, (?),(?), John Paddock
row 4:Rich Wallace,(?), Steve Castellano, Vicki Nott, Kemme Caldwell, Marilyn Smith

                                                          1st grade: Miss Dewar

row 1: Ronald Lunquist, Mike Murdock, Cherry Helwick, Julia Baer, Ginger Grady, (?),Vicky Kindle
row 2: Robert Minish, Helen O'Neill, Richard Wales, John Cheney, (?),(?), Roxie Simmons
row 3: (?),(?),(?),(?),Bob Thacker, Cheryl Meacham?, Juanita Diamond
row 4: Joanne Heitz, (?), Carol Bishop, Julia Nutsford,Joanne Reid, Rick Buse

1 comment:

  1. I believe that is me in the center first row, not Julia Baer, Ginger and I hung out. best friend back then was Peggy Homestead, we lived across road from each other.
    aww how times fly. I went to school with this class thru fall of 4th grade..Marshia Smith Armstrong
